Hard drive partitions


Verified User
Sep 26, 2004
I have seen serveral threads about hard drive partition but there are so many ways and so many suggestions so I'm confused. I would like some partition recommendations for my particular case.

I have two hard drives, one has 80Gig and the other has only 40Gig. I intend to install the Fedora, Direct Admin, and everything else on the 80Gig drive and only use the 40Gig drive as a backup?

Is it a good idea to use the 40Gig as a backup drive?

Here's how I currently partition my drives:

1st drive (80Gig)

/boot: 100Meg
/ : 2Gig
/usr : 5Gig
/var : 10Gig
/tmp : 3Gig
Swap: 2Gig
/home: the remaining disk space

2nd drive (40Gig)

Please give me some suggestions.

Thank you very much.
Here's a totally different idea for you.

Install the enitre system on the 40G drive then use the 80G drive for backups. Keep 2 backups on the 80G drive, one for even days and one for odd days. Run a cron script every night to backup the primary drive (using rysnc). Before it does the backup it should mount the drive, and when its finished it should umount it. If anyone hacks in they're unlikely to spot the backup drive.
Thanks Mike.

That sounds like a good idea. Anyone has any advice?
