Hard drives


Verified User
Nov 26, 2005

How does Directadmin handle more than 1 hard drive, and how does it cope with backing them all? I want to have 2+ hard drives in my server.
hmmm.... I think it doesnt matter ;) ... did you ever use Linux/Unix systems? DA and other soft will see only partitions...and not hard drives
No, this is my first time at linux. I want somthing where i can have 2-3 hard drive for clients, and then 2-3 hard drives same size to back them up. Is it possible or not?
Yes... it is possible to make RAID .... but firstly .. I think you need to leatn somethink about unix... try to install unix to your pc... becoz it is a bad idea to make hosting.. when you never used unix before..
I see I need to use LVM. If I use 1 group for backups, and one for all data etc, will i be able to add hard drives to groups once the OS has been isntalled?
I shudder to think how many customers are stuffed on one server by some hosts.

Keeping backups on the same server is a recipe for disaster. Invest in a backup account, or another server that is JUST used to handle / store your user backups.
Most DCs offer backup services which are relatively reasonably priced (depending on your situation and strategy).