Has server been hacked ?


New member
May 23, 2010
Hello can somebody help me ? I have found this forum on google and i would like to know if anybody can help me to explain what is happened with my website:
Thanks to the error below(with some referrer from China) I have my Wordpress website once a day or once in 2 days down - 505 internal server error. To make my website run again I always need to delete .htaccess file . (The way how to make my website run again(to delete .htaccess file) told me bluehost operator where i have my website hosted.)

Can anybody tell me what is wrong , has my website been hacked or what those errors means? What am i supposed to do now? I'm sure that foreign URLS is something that in my errors shouldn't be (I have about 30 same errors in one minute , always almost the same from this chinese forum:

[Sun May 23 03:40:59 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/pdo_mysql.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/pdo_mysql.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0, referer: hxxxp://forum.vipearn.c0m/thread-10523-1-1.html

http i have changed hxxxp and com to c0m to not spam here

Can anybody help me to explain how to eliminate this problem? Unfortunately im not PHP - Apache expert at all ,
I would be very happy if anybody can respond , Daniel
This thread has nothing to do with DirectAdmin. BlueHost appears to be hosted on cPanel.

I've moved the thread rather than deleted it; while it's Off-Topic here, someone may have an answer for you. but most likely you'll have to work directly with Blue Host.

I've also slightly changed the thread subject; it's not YOUR server that's been hacked in any event, unless you're running your own server.

Old Subject: Has my server been hacked ?
New Subject: Has server been hacked ?

ok thanks Jeff , i appreciate it , the server maybe has not been hacked because on the hosting company forum explained me that in my cpanel i can also see other website's error logs .
maybe good news for me but the question why i have my wordpress every day down remains.

I can't help you with Cpanel, as I don't use it, and refuse to use it. Your question should be directed to your hosting company.

However, I'd be more than happy to help you if you're interested in moving over to hosting on a DirectAdmin server - I'm sure you'll be happier ;)

Perhaps it was fate that brought you here? (better control panel, better support, better hosting providers)
I can't help you with Cpanel, as I don't use it, and refuse to use it. Your question should be directed to your hosting company.

However, I'd be more than happy to help you if you're interested in moving over to hosting on a DirectAdmin server - I'm sure you'll be happier ;)

Perhaps it was fate that brought you here? (better control panel, better support, better hosting providers)

I will think about it , in fact one month ago I was searching for another hosting because i had only one problem with bluehost in 4 ys. because they say that everything is unlimited , but after 3 ys. hosting there they have changed their TOS about files number and limited that up to 50k files , I have 1 image gallery there and image gallery creates from one image another 6 thumbnails (files) so i used hardly 100mb space(I have never used too much space - only wordpress - joomla etc scripts and only this image gallery which served to all domains) with 35 domains and was forced to delete half of this gallery because i had 30ths. images 30k x 6 = 180k was only the gallery , after they've noticed that i almost deleted everything they allowed me 200k for all account, but even 200k is not enough for me , image gallery should grow not remain the same , at this moment i cant use my gallery anymore ortherwise they will delete all the account with all my domains ( I have read on some forums that this case already happened to many clients ) . For this reason one month ago I have bought another hosting (Dreamhost) , I dont think that even this hosting will be enough for me in future because i would like to start to create many websites for people from nightlife industry and they will for sure need good hosting too , so i can also think about your host if you will send me your conditions (in future - not now because this new hosting i have only 1 month and there at this moment i host only one domain . Or I can advertise your hosting on my website to send you clients - I have no problem - but i hope that you as better as you say are also cheap enough because dreamhost and bluehost are cheap and i can say that with bluehost except the files count i have never had any problem.
btw. To your forum i was brought thanks google search and maybe the fate -:).
PHP upgrade

Maybe they upgraded PHP on the server, and it somehow broke?

Yes exactly it seems like it was that problem -:)
I was only confused because i have 35 domains on that account - 6 wordpress and only this one wordpress domain was everyday down.
Other thing which confused me was: how it is possible to see other server customer's error logs in my cpanel.
Yesterday my hosting have send me this email:

Dear Customer,
you were getting that error because of all your other incorrect php.ini files on the account which have incorrect extension_dir paths. Since we upgraded to php 5.2.13 the extension_dir path changed to /usr/lib64/php/modules. I have corrected this by switching you over to php5 single which forces php to look in the public_html directory for the php.ini settings and this php.ini has the correct extension_dir path so that error should be taken care of now.
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