Having issues with installing WoSign SSL certificate


Verified User
Jul 15, 2015
I got a certificate from WoSign. When I try and install them through DA's SSL Certificates option, I still get the warning in browsers that the site is using locally issued certs (which was installed before I got the certs from WoSign.)

I tried different methods of combining cert files and installing them, but nothing seems to work. It seems to me that DA does not change necessary files on server.

How do I check if DA installs them and the problem is caused elsewhere?

Also, if anyone has successfully installed WoSign certificate please let me know the steps. The files they sent are a little bit confusing at best!

Thank you.

Either a SNI support issue or wrong settings on SSL page in Directadmin. Kindly post a screenshot of a page with SSL cert/key from Directadmin for the domain. You can blur or hide cert and key.