having problems with nginx and 404 errors


Verified User
Jun 21, 2012
setting up new server with DA and CB2, so trying to get nginx running with a test site that runs fine on nginx on other server.
all I am getting is 404 errors.
look at the user nginx.conf file and it looks fine, I just cannot see why this is happening.
swap to apache and site is fine.
I am using php 5.4 with php-fpm, php2 is set to no.
doing rebuilds does not seem to help.

edit: this may be cache and dns propagation issue. I did not think to rule that out before posting :(
stupid move on my part, sorry.
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You should read error log of nginx. You might see 404 error even if NGINX can not find an error file for another 502 error for example.
am seeing 502 errors too, not yet sure but it seems to be a php-fpm socket issue.
going to swap back to apache and start over LOL :)
am seeing 502 errors too, not yet sure but it seems to be a php-fpm socket issue.

Yes, for sure, a php-fpm socket might be the reason of 502 error.
But still, you should check error logs.
public_html/index.php/index" failed (20: Not a directory),
the way invisionpower software works w/o using htaccess rewites uses index.php/ then the module (forums, gallery. blog, etc) from that point.
this was not an issue on other server so I need to look at how nginx actually compiled here I think, and maybe have to compile myself.
I think its ok now, will take some time to tell for sure but pages are loading at least LOL
I compared loaded modules on other server to what this stock build used and added the missing ones.
not sure what one did it though, but these are the ones I added
"--with-http_realip_module" \
"--with-http_addition_module" \
"--with-http_dav_module" \
"--with-http_flv_module" \
"--with-http_mp4_module" \
"--with-http_random_index_module" \
"--with-http_secure_link_module" \
"--with-file-aio" \
the mp4 and flv are for pseudostreaming so are not related to this issue.