Hello and question about dns records


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Hello People
I am new in your forum. I am elpidios and ii am from cyprus.
I want to announced you that i start using directadmin. its very good but i have some problems. I am new at linux servers but i have some problems so i install directadmin to fix them.
my problem is that I don't know exactly how to connect my domain through directadmin (my domain is from godaddy).
I will show you the configurations of my Directadmin and my dns zone configureations in a picture and if you can say to me if i do it correct.
I am waiting for help:)
Thanks a lot
Since your nameserver isn't responding it may not be running. Check to make sure your nameserver is properly running and properly configured.
$ dig +short ns1.binaryoptionsforum.co
$ dig @ +short binaryoptionsforum.co
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Hello People
I am new in your forum. I am elpidios and ii am from cyprus.
I want to announced you that i start using directadmin. its very good but i have some problems. I am new at linux servers but i have some problems so i install directadmin to fix them.
my problem is that I don't know exactly how to connect my domain through directadmin (my domain is from godaddy).
I will show you the configurations of my Directadmin and my dns zone configureations in a picture and if you can say to me if i do it correct.
I am waiting for help:)
Thanks a lot
View attachment 1608

I found the problem. I am using Centos and the problem was that the named server wasn't running. when i was starting named i was have this error...

Starting named: named: error while loading shared libraries: libdbus-1.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i found somewhere that i need to install lidbus for start the named (In centos)...so i did that

yum install dbus
service named restart

and now working fine:)