hello mysql failure importing database ! please help


Verified User
May 31, 2009
hello i am uncertain what this failure is, but i am currentley trying to install

a script that runs with memcache / apc wich are enabled and started...

and its tripple cheked to be sure .... now when i run on example

domain/install and type localhost username password databse and

when i chekked evrything is correctley i go forwardley ...

then it says connection to database made bla bla

then forwardley it says database have been importet then i go to phpmyadmin
and there is nothing imported i dont know if it is my webhosting provider
that doesent allow certain thing in directadmin ??

i use a webhost called santrex.net bud problem i can install a program on my windows pc at home in denmark server is in germany there i can easyley do
with an % host from admin in phpmyadmin what could cause does any have a suggestion other than contacting hosting provider ?

do i need to edit mysql conf ? where is that located cause i remember installing standard apache
apt-get install apache2 php5 phpmyadmin mysql-server ther i could easy find a file to mysql where it had some ip stuff to change but that file i cant find with directadmin installed sam broadcaster with a % host no issues connection database but php script problem please help any help is much appriciated i do own team viewer if some could help thanks in advance
faster reply for me would be on [email protected] as most of us here are in diffrent time zone proberley i live in denmark its now 7 a clock in the mornig