HELO not equal to rDNS


Verified User
Sep 11, 2021
Hello guys
I had changed my hostname in directadmin from vps-fcf968b0.vps.ovh.net which is default value for my vps to ovh.webkaj.com .
i also defined rdns in DNS Administration but the problem is i get diffrent value for HELO & rDNS . how i can set my rDNS to my host name?

Your IP address is associated with the domain vps-fcf968b0.vps.ovh.net.
Nevertheless your message appears to be sent from ovh.webkaj.com.
You may want to change your pointer (PTR type) DNS record and the host name of your server to the same value.
HELO: ovh.webkaj.com
rDNS: vps-fcf968b0.vps.ovh.net
i changed ipv4 but there is some problem for doing that. i can't change ipv6 rdns it give me this error:
 An error has occurred updating the reverse path. Cannot check if ovh.webkaj.com. resolves to 2001:41d0:0304:0200:0000:0000:0000:a3c3
all described in error - you must have IPv6 UP in your network interface and there must be appropriate record in hosts file
sorry i am not pro. could you explain how to set it up in network interface? it should be done in directadmin or ICANN?
yes if both ips added to DA and hostname set in DA panel too, and you have both A and AAAA records on your domain registrar DNS - all must work.
sorry i am not pro. could you explain how to set it up in network interface? it should be done in directadmin or ICANN?

Create an AAAA record for ovh.webkaj.com pointing to 2001:41d0:0304:0200:0000:0000:0000:a3c3. Then OVH will allow you to change rDNS for the IPv6.