Help for Newbie


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Hi, VPS is a whole new world for me. To make it easier, I decided to go with DirectAdmin.

Now I have my Ip: let say, I can access everything normally and it I type my IP in a web browser, I get "Apache is functioning normally".

Now, I simply want to upload a site, how do I proceed from there?

1) Do I need more IP's?
2) Do I need to create a package, and a user? If so, the user has no access to the root
3) I am in the process of transfering my domain name but for now, I rather access via the IP.

THank you!
Is the ip marked as shared in directadmin ip manager in admin level? I have never tested it but if the ip is static to the user then it might work. Your server would need at least 2 ips to make that work.
no it can work only with 1 IP. In fact it depends how you want to manage your server.
The easier is :
1 - create a package
2 - add a user and give him this package
3 - you will receive an email with datas for ftp access. Simply use them

Take care to configure your domain name to point to your server.

Your domain will be a virtualhost, it means your website will be in a user folder ans only accessible with your domain name, not the IP.

The IP points in the folder /var/www/html
the ip points to whatever virtual host is first in the list since the default is /var/www/html thats why it points there.
Thank you for the answers, is anyone could help me configuring it? I tired for few hours and still not working. I don't have much to give in exchange but I'm sure we can figure something out.