help me about seseion time out !!!!! please


Verified User
Apr 16, 2007
I config my session time out as 0 and then CP alway timeout when i login , i cannot set config any more because I must login every page i want to view as admin user and password i had.

i try to go session time out page to restore it back but cannot , i cannot save it ,CP doesnot accest me.

help me please
Open up a shell to your server as root and type
cd /usr/local/directadmin/conf
vi directadmin.conf
and scroll down to where you see
and change that to be whatever you want the session timeout to be (in minutes), if you just want it to seem like it will never expire then set it to something high like 900.
If you don't know how to login to SSH and do basic commands like that then it is a good idea for you to hire a server administrator to secure it and do stuff like this for you.
when i open folder /usr/local/directadmin/conf in SSH

it didnot show any file or folder , why