Help Needed: MySQL Port 3306 Not Accessible from External Machines


New member
Jul 24, 2024
Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble connecting to MySQL from an external machine. Locally, MySQL works fine, but external connections time out with a `connect ETIMEDOUT` error. I've checked that MySQL is configured to bind to `` and is listening on port 3306. My firewall settings also allow traffic on port 3306, and MySQL user permissions are set up correctly for remote access. However, online port checkers show that port 3306 is not open.

I've verified the configuration and firewall settings, but I still can't connect from outside the server. Any advice on what else I should check or adjust would be really appreciated. Thanks!
first, just disable csf firewall and recheck again.

csf -x
Yep, that fixed it. Completely discarded csf. I went into the file and added the ports and it works fine now. Thank you so much!