help on restore


Verified User
Oct 22, 2003
Calgary, AB
i set the reseller to have unlimted everything but i am getting this error on restore, what can i do?

Cannot create user: Unable to allocate unlimited Email Forwarders. This account is not allowed to create that amount
Unable to allocate unlimited Mailing Lists. This account is not allowed to create that amount
Unable to allocate unlimited AutoResponders. This account is not allowed to create that amount
Your sure the reseller has unlimited everything that was in the error? Or they can oversell?
You might try manually editing the backup and actually specify a number instead of unlimited. Then if it works, you can change it back once it's been restored.
Your sure the reseller has unlimited everything that was in the error? Or they can oversell?
You might try manually editing the backup and actually specify a number instead of unlimited. Then if it works, you can change it back once it's been restored.
after extract the backup on which file we can edit this.?
@hmaddy please don't necropost, this thread was 17 years old, come on. Create new threads.
If needed, reference to the post or thread if that is old.