

Verified User
Nov 3, 2003
Ok, let me give you guys a brief story of... um, my story. Around monday I installed osCommerce in one of my client accounts and created a store for him. Wednesday I started to add products to his store. Everything was going well untill some time Thursday everytime I tried to add or edit a product it would hang. Then it would timeout. I would then go into phpMyAdmin to edit information of a product and it would hang as soon as I would click on "Save". When I started having these problems, I would restart mysql and httpd and wait a few hours and then it would start working again. Yesterday it started to do the same thing, I waited, and it worked. But after that, it stopped working again and untill today, Friday, it hasnt worked. I have updated mysql to the lastest version, I have updated phpMyAdmin to the lastest version, but still, it isn't working. Everytime I try to add a new product or edit a product, it hangs and timesout. Does anyone know what I should do? Please guys, I need your help :| This store is due on Monday!
That's one of my problems. You see, no logs. Nothing. Other programs don't do this. Sometimes I can edit the same database through phpMyAdmin, some other times it hangs. Today after I posted on DirectAdmin Forum it started to work again and I got the job finished. Problem is, a few hours later, I tried again, and it was timing out again. This is a pain in the royal butt.
i dunno man, it could be so many things. did you look in /var/log for errors?

maybe mysql is timing out because of a firewall issue, or a host issue with connectivity, maybe it's php?

hard to figure the problem out without more information or error messages from the logs if any..