

Verified User
Jan 8, 2005
My website is down and this is the message I got from tech support. I need help explaining to me what is happening.

Your VPS is currently down, when we tried to access your VPS we got the
following error message:

[root@vz7 root]# vzctl enter 890
bash: error while loading shared libraries: /tmp/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

A restart was attempted but it wont come back up for the same reason, have you ever modified your .bashrc file for root account? We think this is what is causing this error.

My daughter set this up for me and now she is not working for my company due to personal conflicts, and she may be evil enough to do something to cause my website to go down. If I have changed all the passwords, could there be another way she could be doing this if it indeed is her?

I've deleted the other copy of your post. Please do not post the same message twice in these forums.

First ... The DA forums are not run by your hosting company, and we can only respond here in the most general way.

Second... This is not a DirectAdmin problem. This is a problem with the Virtual Server your website is running on.

Do you run your own virtual server? If you're a hosting client and do not run your own virtual server, then your hosting company is responsible for fixing this.

If you run your own virtual server, then the company that provided your server should be able to fix it for you.

If they can't, and if you need to stay with them for service, then you may have to have them rebuild your virtual server, in which case you could lose all your data.

If you'd like us to try to help you, then please respond to my questions.

1. is it your virtual server, or are you a client of a hosting company who just has webhosting service?

2. What kind of virtual server do you have (I think I know but I want to be sure)?

3. Who is your VPS (hosting) provider?

4. What Operating System does your VPS use?
