Hide Installatron Applications


New member
Sep 6, 2014
Hi there
This is my first post, so I hope I use te correct section.

I use admin as a reseller for hosting packages.
For some reasons, I don't want my clients to use the Installatron Applications.
I found the way to hide the applications in the user-level.

Now I have 2 problems:

1) the menu-item is still there. How can I remove that?

2) For some clients, I do the setup of their website line Joomla or Drupal.
Eventhough there is no possibillity for my clients to use the link to 'application installer', the applications still show up after installing (by me)

So I want to be able to hide every link to "Installatron", and let I show up when I (as admin) when I want

I hope my problem is a bit clear :)
Installatron is not part of DirectAdmin; it's a third-party plugin. For help, bug reports, feature requess, ec., concerning Installatron, you should contact the publisher.

I've movede the thread to correct subforum.
