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Yes, I suppose some of us are still running DA on our TRS-80 model I, and we might not want our clients to realize that.

The only way I know of to do it would be to create a custom skin.

Perhaps DA would consider making this option optional.

Disclaimer: I made it up. There's no such thing as DA for the TRS-80 Model I, probably because the stack won't handle multiple IPs (in fact it won't handle any IPs, but that's a different story).

However if you log into your account and check, you'll find that you can buy DA for your Colecovision. However it's in beta, so unless you've discussed the issue with DA staff, I strongly suggest you don't.


So is it possible? Without making new skin? Coz I really didnt understand Your reply... Regards.
This is an old topic, now I think you can choose to display system information or not when you create/modify the packages.
And I finally got it running on a TRS-80 Model 2. But I did have to add another 64 KBPS of memory.

It's not too slow considering it's an 8-bit processor running at 4mhz.

