Currently, my DA server has a load average of around 7.00
I don't know what causes this. It's a freshly installed machine with about 30 (really low-end) websites on it. Even the full system backup won't run in this condition, saying :
Performing sanity checks: Completed
Checking load average: System load higher than acceptable limits, aborting...
Performing cleanup operations: Completed
It's a 2.4 GHz machine with 1 Gb RAM. When I run 'top' the CPU load is most of the time 0.0%.
Help !
Currently, my DA server has a load average of around 7.00
I don't know what causes this. It's a freshly installed machine with about 30 (really low-end) websites on it. Even the full system backup won't run in this condition, saying :
Performing sanity checks: Completed
Checking load average: System load higher than acceptable limits, aborting...
Performing cleanup operations: Completed
It's a 2.4 GHz machine with 1 Gb RAM. When I run 'top' the CPU load is most of the time 0.0%.
Help !