High Load Times on Server, very slow


Verified User
Mar 21, 2006
Hey all,

I'm experiencing some major slowdowns on this machine. It's a Dual Xeon 2.8ghz with 1gb of RAM. When I hit w, I get load times between 15.28 and sometimes up to 28.00.

What can I do to troubleshoot this? I did a top, didn't see anything eating up CPU resources - what else?

I did notice that there was only 15mb of RAM free, but I also know that Linux utilizes RAM differently than Windows does, so that's not an exact measurement.

Please help! :)

Thanks in advance.
Just an update, here's my system information:

Processor Speed (MHz) 3393.192
Total Memory 1034544 kB
Free Memory 15960 kB
Total Swap Memory 8385888 kB
Free Swap Memory 31860 kB

Looks like I'm going into a lot of swap. I guess this means a memory upgrade, eh?
First check the memory resource that each service eat (top)

1. You should optimize my.cnf to use <=128M of Memory resources

2. Optimize httpd.conf to not create too much process at a time (maxclient < 300) and try to turn keep-alive off

After that if the system still using swap a lot then you need memory upgrade

I have a web site with > 600 users online (within last 5 minutes) that run on load avg. 2.0 on E6300/1GB of RAM
Thanks for the responses. I rebooted the box last night, and everything worked fine after that. I'm not sure if the issue was fixed due to the fact I issued a "yum update" before I rebooted it, but all is well now.

Where is the my.cnf file on a DA install? I did a find and couldn't find the my.cnf - what does DA's mysql use for its config file?
By default DA doesn't install a my.cnf file; you can search for the filename my.cnf in these forums and you should get a good example of what to use.

It should go into /etc/my.cnf.

I think you might want to find the cause for the load or memory usage before starting to optimize things. Can you post the first 5 lines of your top?

I have found load to sometimes be caused by things using no CPU at all (either IO or subsystem stuff hung up like hald on a bad IDE conection).