Home Folder acces by NFS with windows


Verified User
Apr 11, 2017

The question we have at the office running a dev system for developers.
There is one developer that doesn't want to work on that system.
He said the transfer time to FTP is too slow.

So now I'm trying to find out if it is possible to connect an NFS mount to his windows so that he can develop the DA system.

Is there someone that can help me with this issue?
Replacing secure ftp with nfs is probably the worst you can do, so why not consider replacing the developer with a less spoiled one?
Hahahha the Management wants me to set this up. for the developer.
So I need to find a solution for this.
He said the transfer time to FTP is too slow.
You need to look more here.. What is Slow?
The Network in the office
The internet.
His PC?
What is difference between him and the other devs?
Are you using PureFTPd or Proftpd?

It's not really a DA issue. It more a office IT issue as it sounds to me not a hosting one. Have they looked at all of their infrastructure?
It's a local network so there is now a slow network.
He is using Filezilla file Zilla has always problems.

Now we are using PureFTPD