hosting script


Verified User
Feb 5, 2006
im buying a dedicated server today with da and i was wondering if there is a 3rd party script that can automate hosting free and paid and the most important feature is ad suport. i have found lots for cpanel but i think da would be better for users and novice webmasters
I think there was one mentioned on WHT. It's on the tip of my tounge but I can't remember the exact name. But I believe it had all functions necassary to manage a free hosting service such as forced advertisements and so on.
Yup WHT, but you have to be careful of spammer as they look for free hosting at times
i had a look and all i could find was ihost v3 which will be realesed next month in eta which could be good for me since i dont get my next payment till next month and thats when im getting da installed.

there was alos some other guy who said he was developing a free script he had that does the whole billinhg and ad suport thing to work with da.

if any of these come throught i will write a review for you guys
i think this only alows html and php and mql acces isent givnen well i cant see how without server acces apart form this it looks good i will use it and see how it goes
That is because it runs on your domain with mysql access to hold your users data and it creates a subdirectory which is the site in your public_html folder. It is free they do not need anything besides the basic web hosting.
or as long time members at wht like me refer to it.."WebHostTrashing". :)