Hosting with subdomain and domain


Yes, it's possible to setup, if you are comfortable with a bit of bash scripting and apache VirtualHosts.

You'd want to take a look at /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/README to see the list of script you can create. You'd want to use the script (then for user deletion)

In that script, you'd want to create an httpd.conf file somewhere.. let's say /etc/httpd/conf/users/username.httpd.conf, and in that file you'd create the VirtualHost for with any path you want.

When the user is removed, just delete the file. You'll need to add something like "Include /etc/httpd/conf/users/*" to the main /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf so that all user files would be loaded.


I was watching that and it's very complicated for me... But i'm not understand why you don't propose that in DA because i've got users programming their sites like that :

<img src="../images/test.jpg" />

And when i propose a test for new user, their links and images are broken.

Why don't you propose that in options in DA ? It will be very good. Bye.