Hosting with two ISPs


Verified User
Jan 19, 2005
Halifax, NS, Canada
I hear about this all the time, but I have no idea how to do it.

I'm currently running my DA server on a dedicated cable connection (w/5 static IPs), and I'm getting another 5 static IPs from a different ISP.

Sp basically what I want to do is somehow combine the two ISPs so I have redundancy in case on goes down, or in case the other is really slow.

How would I go about doing this? How does everyone else do it? I know you can use a BGP - but I am hoping there might be a slightly easier solution :)


I think it is possible to have two seperate networks come in on individual network cards (two network cards) linking them together, or rigging it to switch to backup in case of failure is another matter.

So I wonder how you would do it with your IP addresses? Because obviously you have one set of IPs for one IP, and another set for the other?

Its funny, I assume most web hosts have a setup like this, but I cant find a frigging thing on Google. Any suggestions where I should look or what I should search?


Thats why it would be easier using a BGP which would handle it, so it would be like one connection to your server. (in theory)
I'm not sure how you can get it to work, since DA only accepts one ethernet device at a time as far as I know.
I don't know if it's possible but something to think about. Having some application that will take the two ethernet devices and masqurade them as a single one.