Hostname change not compleet


Verified User
Nov 27, 2004
Germany - Bremen

For a long time ago i've changed my hostname but by somethings i see the old hostname and i can't find what's wrong.

I've changed the hostname in Directadmin. I see the right hostname when i type "hostname" in a SSH sesion.

But when i send an e-mail with a wrong email adress i got a msg back from exim with the old hostname:

[email protected]
(generated from marco@izihoster)
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>:
host []: 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts; no valid cert for gatewaying (#5.7.1)

I see also the old hostname in de controlpanel from and bu PROFTP in de logfiles.

The IP adres in the quote above is not one off mine.

Can someone help me?


NB: I hope u guys understand my bad Englisch :P
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Did you change your hostname using the "hostname" command from the shell, or using a DirectAdmin command?

DirectAdmin does not appear to change all entries where the old hostname might be located as I learned a year ago. I ended up going through everything I noticed and changing by hand.
Making sure the expected new hostname is displayed when typing hostname on the command line is a good place to start.
jlasman said:
Did you change your hostname using the "hostname" command from the shell, or using a DirectAdmin command?


I change it using Directadmin.

And when i give the command "hostname" in SSH then i see the new one.

For the server it's not a problem, everything is working ok. But i think its strange to see 2 different hostnames.

I using FC2 as OS

//EDIT -update- I found in the file # etc/hosts 2 hostnames, i deleted the old one. Now i see by the logs from proftpd the new one but by exim the old one :)
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Exim uses uname to determine the hostname. Running that command do you get your old hostname?
I think it's uname -n

Did you restart your server after you made changes to the /etc/hosts file?

If that doesn't work, you can specify the hostname exim should use in exim.conf
I believe it's the primary_hostname directive.