Hostname SSL


Verified User
Dec 31, 2020
There are several different conflicting KB articles on this.

I want to secure the hostname of my server. By default, DA now installs to instead of the FQDN or IP of the server as it used to.

When trying to secure the actual hostname of the server (Ex: the LetsEncrypt certificate shows this:

root@host:~# /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ request 4096
Setting up certificate for a hostname:
2024/10/22 02:53:19 [INFO] [] acme: Obtaining SAN certificate
2024/10/22 02:53:20 [INFO] [] AuthURL:
2024/10/22 02:53:20 [INFO] [] acme: authorization already valid; skipping challenge
2024/10/22 02:53:20 [INFO] [] acme: Validations succeeded; requesting certificates
2024/10/22 02:53:23 [INFO] [] Server responded with a certificate for the preferred certificate chains "ISRG Root X1".
Certificate for has been created successfully!
DirectAdmin certificate has been setup.
Setting up cert for Exim...
Setting up cert for Dovecot...
Setting up cert for nginx...

As you see, it just uses the DA hostname instead of the ACTUAL hostname despite me specifying the actual hostname.

The actual hostname is set in the admin panel settings as well, so not sure why the is even being used anywhere.

This used to be a simple and straight forward process.

hostname/evo/admin/ssl doesn't help, nothing shown or able to change here.

hostname/evo/admin/server-tls, nothing here to change. Obviously shows a Not Trusted certificate since it is for the DA default hostname (I really wish they'd remove this 'feature' and stick with the IP of the server or FQDN of the server instead at install) but I can't change it. I've tried different things in the ACME settings and Change Certificate settings and nothing works.

What is the proper way to now complete this task?

I want the hostname of my server to be protected by LetsEncrypt. No self-signed cert. No forcing the DA default hostname somewhere. I'd be happy if I never have to see the * hostname anywhere ever again, haha.
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As you see, it just uses the DA hostname instead of the ACTUAL hostname despite me specifying the actual hostname.
It's a known issue.

Check this article which also explains how to get rid of the automatic hostname definately.