How are Resellers changing shared IPs with Users on them to Owned?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I have multiple resellers on shared IPs, and somehow they are able to go in and change the IPs to free or owned even though the IPs alreadly have users on them. I can't find where in DA they are able to do this so I can disable, and have to go in at the root level to manually change them back each time. Please advise.

I'm a DA n00bie myself, but I would think if you assigned the IPs to them, they should be able to set them to shared or owned based on their needs. If you're talking about IPs that are assigned to the server, but you haven't assigned them to the reseller, I'd check your permissions... sounds like they have admin level permissions.

again, I'm a DA n00b - I could be way off.
Good answer, Michael, but I'll amplify it a bit.

catgotwebhost, are you sure your resellers are set up as resellers and not as administrators? The Reseller login only allows resellers to free, share, or assign IP#s that belong to them.

I've just tested, and a reseller cannot free up a reseller that's already assigned to a user; the error is Ip's can only be freed if there are zero users on that ip.

The reseller can only assign IP#s to new or existing users if they're either free and assigned to the reseller, or (reseller-specific or serverwide) shared IP#s.

If your resellers can do more than that then you need to find out why. Michael is on the right track, but it's not really a user permissions problem; rather it's a problem in the files that DirectAdmin uses to know who is assigned which IP#.

For example, the list of IP#s assigned to a specific reseller can be found at /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/RESELLERNAME/ip.list.

The specific IP# assigned to a user are in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/USERNAME/user.conf.

Additionally, information for each IP#, including whether it's shared or owned, can be found in: /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ips.
