how can i change the Admin email ?


Verified User
Sep 16, 2009

after installing da,

it shows some info including thefollowing,

The following information has been set:

Admin username: admin
Admin password: ********
Admin email: admin@myname

Server IP: *.*.*.*
Server Hostname: myname

about the "Admin email" part,

where can i change it to others ?

and what mails will been sent to there?

thank you
Create a file at /home/admin/.forward which contains only the email address to which you want the email sent.

The server will send messages there concerning issues, errors, etc. and of course it's a valid email address; anyone can send email there.

Every user on every linux/unix/posix compliant system automatically gets an email account of the same name, at the hostname of the server. You can of course use any email client (including webmail) to log in and read the mail, but that's probably not an idea if you use plaintext passwords; obviously your admin password is too important to pass in the clear.

If you create a domain with your admin user-level login the system should automatically forward it to [email protected] for you (I'm not sure; you may want to test it), but the best way to resolve the situation is to create your own forward and send it where you want.
