how can i make the partition ?

It also says:

For a less simple partition structure:

/boot 40 meg
swap 2 x memory
/tmp 1 Gig. Highly recommended to mount /tmp with noexec,nosuid in /etc/fstab
/ 6-10 Gig
/var 8-20 gig. Emails, logs and databases stored here on Redhat/CentOS/Fedora
/usr 5-12 gig. Just DA data, source code, frontpage.
/home rest of drive. Roughly 80% for user data. Mount with nosuid in /etc/fstab if possible.

I would mount like this. Each volume having its own partition is better. Especially if you want to secure /tmp against exec attacks.
We use what you call the simple partition on drive systems of under 250G. Over 250G we partition the way we've always partitioned servers :)... for more than ten years :).


if make more partition,

let /var /usr ... have their own partition,

will it have any advantage ?

thank you