How do I add someone as a host account manager

Really? What skin are you using?
Ofcourse logged in as admin, in normal Evo skin with Grid icons display, look under "account manager" for "create administrator".

You can also use the search function in the search bar, normally... search function was way better before.
Otherwise use the "search for pages" function and search for create administrator in there.
If you don't see the menu, just use "search" function, put something relate you want something like "create", it's will show anything relate to "create" page.

that's the ways currently I manage system in Evolution Skin. Can't remember at all for the menu location.
I do not know how to create another admin
Have you read my previous reply advising to use the search option?
I could help you if you send me a pm.

Really? What skin are you using?
Ofcourse logged in as admin, in normal Evo skin with Grid icons display, look under "account manager" for "create administrator".

You can also use the search function in the search bar, normally... search function was way better before.
Otherwise use the "search for pages" function and search for create administrator in there.