How do I analyze Webalizer?


New member
Feb 14, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Just wondering what all of the stats meant? Can anyone direct me to a thread for meanings? For example, "visits" means how many distinct visits i had to my site... so what does "hits" mean? Pages? Is that how many times a different page was accessed?

Grabbed this off Google.

# Total Hits - Total number of requests sent to the server.
# Total Files - Total number of requests that resulted in a file being sent to the user.
# Total Pages - Total number of requested pages like html, htm, cgi, php, etc (not images or other files).
# Total Visits - Total number of single surfing sessions by any IP address.
# Total Kbytes - Total amount of data in kilobytes that was transferred.
# Total Unique Sites - Number of unique IP addresses that have made requests.
# Total Unique URLs - Different URLs from your site that were requested (by anyone).
# Total Referrers - Different external URLs that caused someone to access your site (like a link).
# Total Usernames - Number of different user names (like FTP user names).
# Total Unique User Agents - User agents are like versions of web browsers

What in specific do you want to know the meaning of?
There aren't any other threads that cover this, at least on these forums, that I know of.

I don't think this can be correct because I have 6 pages on my site but the total unique URLs is 367

How can I tell how many PEOPLE visited my site and not just spiders and bots.

You see your 1 page can be visited 10 000 times (that does not mean that you have so much pages ) it is easy to understand. You can turn hostname lookup by apache so apache will add hostname to the log. Lets say * and you can see how much data was transfered to hostname ex. * visited 383 times * kbytes 158 etc..

And you can know how much bot visited your web.

You should use webalizer doc there you can learn how to better configure webalizer for your server.
