How do i get phpmyadmin working?


Verified User
Apr 25, 2008
Hello i can not get phpmyadmin to work!
Same thing with the file uploader in DA.
It only resolves in 404 page can not be found?
Can somebody here post any suggestion on how to fix this error?
Also i have putty ssh client installed.
Because it is really annoying...
Also wwhen i run the following command
PhpMyAdmin does not show up in tje list of installed modules?
So how can i fix this please help me out.
Also when i type the following in putty SSH logged in as root.
I get a response like "No such file or directory"
Sounds like you don't have directadmin completely installed. If this is a new server with no data on it yet then reinstall directadmin.
How do i uninstall? and what are you talking about DA or phpmyadmin?


See post #4 to see what I am talking about. I did not say anything about uninstalling so why are you asking how to uninstall?