How do i see older user datatraffic ?


Verified User
Sep 15, 2003
The Netherlands
Is there a way to see the datatraffic a certain user produced in earlier months ?
At the moment i can only see the datatraffic produced by the users in this month, but i need to know the traffic of last month. Is there a way to do this ?
It gets reset after the month, so I cant see how you would get it back unless DA records it each month, and im fairly sure it does not.

Try downloading the "Backed up apache logs" for that month (under "statistics/logs"). See if there is a [].bytes file in there. That will give you the bandwidth over httpd... not perfect but its a start!
I think this issue is solved now, since DA didn't delete or reset the datatraffic for anyone of my users.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it ?
It kinda, well, isn't good, since now DA starts to suspend users because they are over there limit, that should have been reset...

I didn't do anything about it, didn't change the cronjobs, but still it hasn't reset the traffic...
To reset all users bandwidth usage run the following command as root:

# echo 'action=reset&value=username&type=user' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue


At the momment the only "history" you have would be the webalizer stats for that user. Since they're owned by root, the User can't delete them, but it will give you a good idea of what they were doing.

Just login as that User, go to their stats page and view the web
webalizer stats.

Bandwidth history is something we can look into for future releases.

DirectAdmin Support said:
Bandwidth history is something we can look into for future releases.


Alright, thank you for your answer :)
Due to the bug with the monthly reset i was able to print it out anyway, so for last month i really don't care about it :D