how do you determine the mpm handler in DA?


Verified User
Jun 21, 2012
searched but did not see anything, not sure why as I thought I had seen topics before.

I'm used to cpanel where I can choose the mpm (worker/event/prefork) from easyapache right before compile.
I'm thinking I need to set the desired handler somewheres then build apache in custombuild but I am not (now) seeing how.
can someone point out some documentation on how/where da/cb handle this?

sort of bugs me I cannot find it as I swear I had read how to before.
also not talking about this post
I thought there was a way to specifically choose one of the 3

for some reason I was thinking it was adding --with-mpm=DESIRED_CHOICE somewheres.

maybe in custom httpd config file then recompile?
maybe /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/ap2/configure.apache ?
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Oh wait.
for some reason I was thinking it was adding --with-mpm=DESIRED_CHOICE somewheres.
Yes, you problably seen that here which also tells you the "--with-mpm=" and the rest of the stuff.
I looked at that one but was not sure if its the ones I had seen earlier or not, but I also cannot remember if how to do it actually was on this site or not so.....theres that too LOL
presently the config file /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/ap2/configure.apache uses
l which should enable all that the OS can do, but I need to read up on that.
I have no need for worker or prefork mpms so was wondering if specifying event as only one would be touch more efficient.
CB 2.0 automatically chooses the MPM and sets it in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-phpmodules.conf.

* event MPM is used if PHP mode is: php-fpm, fastcgi or suPHP
* prefork MPM is used if PHP mode is mod_php
why prefork for mod_php on apache 2.4?
I've used event and worker on easyapache with 2.4 with no issues.
on apache 2.2 its a huge issue though.
crap I just saw my options.conf was set to mod_php not fcgi which explains why I was not using event.

and I got fcgi sh error when buolding that I forgot to copy grr
will rerun build and grab it
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Starting httpd: [Wed May 22 14:36:28.314163 2013] [so:warn] [pid 8356:tid 140587783219136] AH01574: module fcgid_module is already loaded, skipping
AH00526: Syntax error on line 18 of /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-hostname.conf:
Wrapper .php cannot be accessed: (2)No such file or directory

got to swap back then investigate
Starting httpd: [Wed May 22 14:36:28.314163 2013] [so:warn] [pid 8356:tid 140587783219136] AH01574: module fcgid_module is already loaded, skipping
AH00526: Syntax error on line 18 of /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-hostname.conf:
Wrapper .php cannot be accessed: (2)No such file or directory

got to swap back then investigate

Make sure you are running the latest version of the CustomBuild script (./build update).