my HDD is full and mysqld is stop so can't run again
-how i find largest folder? (Give me Command for locate)
--my server is Directadmin VPS
--i run "du -sh *" but it is very slow
Thank you.
my HDD is full and mysqld is stop so can't run again
-how i find largest folder? (Give me Command for locate)
[root@mail home]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
47G 47G 0 100% /
/dev/sda1 99M 13M 82M 13% /boot
tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /dev/shm
--my server is Directadmin VPS
--i run "du -sh *" but it is very slow
Thank you.