How I can upgrade perl to 5.8.8?


Verified User
Apr 4, 2007
DA has version 5.8.5, and I want to update it to 5.8.8.
How can I do this?
OS - centos 4.4
Smtalk, can you please guide the steps for the Perl compilation for the upgrade. Please.

Thank You!

PS:- I am CentOS 4.3
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perl-5.8.8 from source

# Dowload and install the perl 5.8.8 src as follows
cd /usr/local/src/
gunzip stable.tar.gz
tar xvf stable.tar
cd perl-5.8.8
./Configure -de
make && make test
make install

# If you feel brave, point the /usr/bin/perl sym-link to the newer binary
ln /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 /usr/bin/perl

OR If this fails, If /usr/bin/perl exists mv /usr/bin/perl-old and then retry.

# Install all the old modules for the new perl
cp /usr/libdata/perl5/CPAN/ usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CPAN/
cd /root/.cpan
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_yyyy_mm_dd_00' | tee perl_module_upgrade_results.txt
Can't this be done by running yum update ?

On CentOS 4 it's not 5.8.8...but you can still use some other repository or RPM too...isn't it ?
perl-5.8.8 from source

This works from perl-5.8.0 or perl-5.8.5 to the latest perl-5.8.8.

The issue with yum or RPM update is that some perl modules you may be using now, may not be available by installing the default RPM. Thats why we save the current list of modules, and then update perl and restore all the modules.