How install Firewall on DA ?


New member
Aug 31, 2010
How can i install FireWall on Directadmin and what is the best of them ?

Thank you.
You don't install a firewall on DirectAdmin; you install it in your base OS Distribution. The firewall software is built into the linux kernel and also into the FreeBSD kernel. There are many choices of firewall scripts to control your firewall, but before we can make any suggestions you'd have to tell us whether you use Linux or FreeBSD.

You don't install a firewall on DirectAdmin; you install it in your base OS Distribution. The firewall software is built into the linux kernel and also into the FreeBSD kernel. There are many choices of firewall scripts to control your firewall, but before we can make any suggestions you'd have to tell us whether you use Linux or FreeBSD.


For Linux, CSF has a nice plug in.

I'm pretty new of this forum so please excuse me if I'm using the incorrect thread to post my question. I've made a search and this seems the more close to my problem.

First of all I'm a Debian 5 + DirectAdmin 1.36.2 user. In the past I had some problem with "unpolite" users trying to access to phymyadmin with brute force (I had entries in apache log with several attempt with all versions available of phpmyadmin).

Now, I wish two thing:

1) how can I configure Apache in order to drop such request (in the last attempt they had more the 3000 active connections degrading the server performances)?

2) do I need a firewall? Which one should I use and, how can I install and configure it?

I know that could sound odd but I'm skilled but not so expert with linux and company. :)

So I'd appreciate if you can help me. Thank you in advance!;)
For your problem I'd probably try apf+bfd. Search these forums for either.

Thank you.

But, I've made a research with the keywords you wrote and there are tons of results. :( Could you tell me which one is more appropriate with my problem?

Thank you!
As I wrote, apf+bfd. My suggestion to search was so you could find installation instructions.

Excuse me, I'm back here. I've followed the instruction on the thread you linked. But the conf file for DA that the guy wrote is not present anymore. Where I can find a new one?

I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm not so expert in this things, I need some hints to find the right way and do not make mistakes. :(
It is important to study each setting, so you know what happens on what occasion. If your new to this, it can take an hour or more.

One thing you should always do, is add your own IP address to the safe lists at csf.ignore - this way you won't get blocked out of your own system while experimenting with settings.

at the moment the opened ports allows every IPs to open a connection, since when I turned on the firewall I was able to use SSH, HTTP, FTP, email and DA.

Now that it's up & running I see a lot of connection attempt on different ports that CSF reject. :)

I've to study the different level of security in order to deny the access to sensible areas (like phpmyadmin or DA) only to some selected and trusted IP.

I need time to read the documentation, the maintenance of this server is just for passion (I'm currently running a free browser game based on Star Trek :) ), isn't my job. :)