how install mod front page


Verified User
May 29, 2009
good time
i will be installed mode front page in apache 2.2 . To read that file .htacees
how should installed?:confused:
thank you easily can guide :)
Hello mehriz.

I'm sorry, but I can't really understand your english.
If I guess what you are trying to say, the result is "I need a guide on how to install mod_frontpage in Apache 2.2 to read .htaccess files."; the problem is that .htaccess files don't have anything to do with mod_frontpage.

If you speak french, german or italian I'll be able to translate. Otherwise look for a forum in your language or get help from someone who speaks english, thanks.
I read it the same way you did, tillo.

I believe there are instructions on how to install FrontPageExtensions on Apache 2 posted on these forums, I believe by user smtalk.

The next question is why would anybody want to since they were abandoned by Microsoft themselves in 2006.
The next question is why would anybody want to since they were abandoned by Microsoft themselves in 2006.

That was my initial thought too Floyd and is also the reason why I don't have support for frontpage extensions installed, interestingly, I noticed earlier this week, that Godaddy offer support for them in their hosting packages. Therefore I'm wondering whether I was premature in junking them?

I have found that over the years people really don't make full use of the extensions. They use the client and then publish via http. This also allows them to make "live" changes. But for what most people use FP they can almost as easily publish via the built in ftp in FP.
I tell executes more
in server me not load file .htaccess
what are you doing ?
2- service ftp is down .
what are doing to service ftp up ?
Hmm... sometimes me wonders whether I'm in an English speaking forum or not!

Anyway, good point there Floyd, come to think about it, I've ported a few sites across from other hosts which were created using Frontpage. For what they are, they have thousands of files, but they ran fine on my server with no Frontpage support (which is just as well since the owners didn't inform me before I agreed, that they were Frontpage sites).

Perhaps Mehriz, you should just tell customers that you will refund them if there sites won't work due to no Frontpage support? I'm thinking I might do that myself.

Sorry.. I feel like I'm intruding in your, err.. conversation here!
