How many accounts?


New member
Mar 11, 2006
I have a question, Im getting about 30 people a day joining, I wanted to know how many users my direct admin can run on my server, that has a 1GB of ram, and a 3.2gb processor and 300GB HDD, 1U etc running on FREE BSD?
I give 10MB of sapce for free so if anyone has any data of this sort of question would be awesome to know .
Thanks in advance guys. :D

It mostly depends on the size and type of sites you are adding.
Normally, 800 users is a safe "upper" limit, but I've seen servers with 2000 users as most of the sites were very small, serving static content. If a site is big enough, even 1 (very big site) would load up a server on it's own.

Usually, you have to keep adding (slowly, if you can) until you notice the load go to about 4 or higher, it's about time to stop. It takes a few days for sites to get setup, so the load increase will be delayed, hence adding slowly is a better idea.

Be very strict about who you allow onto your machine, as anything "free", attracts spammers/hackers *very* quickly.
Make sure you have open_basedir and php safemode turned on.
Also, set:


Thanks John for the infomation, ill make sure those server features are on.
Wow 2000, thats alot of users, I have about 50 so far, and they are all from New Zealand and all closely watched on there content, they only get 10mb, and 500mb of traffic, so i think I might get about 1000 users per license and server :)
Not bad :)
Thanks John.