How move user account to other server (problem with Admin Backups)


Verified User
Jun 19, 2007

I need to move from VPS one user account to dedicated server. But I can't backup it using Admin Backup/Transfer.
As my VPS has only 20G space, but this user account using more than 9G. How I look, how DirectAdmin backups its accounts - first makes copy from account to /tmp and then wants to copy it to /backups and from there transfer it to another server. But I don't have space for that.

So I am getting error:
Error Compressing the backup file user.admin.oniar.tar.gz :
gzip: stdout: Disk quota exceeded
/bin/tar: /home/tmp/admin/oniar/user.admin.oniar.tar.gz: Wrote only 8192 of 10240 bytes
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

I cleaned system as possible, but nothing helps.
Also the files 90% are e-mail accounts - I can't remove them temperately. So what is the best way to transfer this account to other DirectAdmin server?

1. Move emails temporary to another location, for example /home/emails.temp
2. Backup all the account data
3. Move and restore the account on another server
4. Move emails by SSH or FTP from the old server to a new one

Note, I did not wrote all the details (including DNS updates), as you might read them here on the forums and in the help section, like this

Here are some members of the forums who can solve your issue in terms of a commerce service, I'm also available for this kind of a job.

Thanks for tip.

I can move with ssh some e-mail accounts to new server and then empty them in original server. After that I can start normal backup/transfer process.
Just backup them in another place on the new server, otherwise you could encounter the problem that the emails were lost again due to restoring the account, which overwrites the account made.
Restoring email from an account does not delete email already on the destination server; it simply adds new email to the account.

This was verified by John within the last week or so.
