How to block certain email address


Verified User
Dec 20, 2003

One of my clients is getting a lot of bounced-spam email from Mail Delivery Subsystem <[email protected]>. Our guess is some spammers put his email address as the reply address so when email was bounced, it is sent to his address.

I have tried blocking it from the control panel (using filter from his account) filtering all possible word and put [email protected] all over the place. But, he still gets the bounced email. It seems that the filter is not working.

Another thing is that he turn the catch-all email on (to his email address). Is there anything that I can do to block Mail Delivery Subsystem <[email protected]>. We have spamassassin, clamav and mailscanner installed and our DA version is 1.20.7.

Thank you for your help!

well first of all turn the catch all off, that ought to help a great deal.

Secondly try to look at the source of the e-mails, because DA filters only exact matches. HTML spam might end up using <b>e-mail</b>@ which would cause the exact string to fail the match.

Furthermore if he's using outlook he can create a rule for all e-mails coming from that specific e-mail address to automatically "mark as read" and delete them.

You could ofcourse block all mails coming from the domain for the next couple of days and hope the storm passes by. That will cause for some lost e-mails but it's up to him to decide what to prefer.