How to change default DNS IPs?


Verified User
Nov 5, 2004
I have an administrator account, with which I created a reseller account. I add domains by clicking on the "User Level" and click "Domain Setup" followed by "Add Another Domain Name".

It seems that all domains added this way are by default given the server's IP as the domain's DNS IPs.

I however, have 1 other IP which I want to use for the default IP address for all domains, as I only want to use the server's IP for administrative purposes.

How/where do I make this change :confused: :confused: ?
This site-helper page will explain how, as admin, to add an IP# to your DirectAdmin server and assign it to your reseller.

And this one will explain how, as reseller, you can assign it to your user account(s).

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction. May I ask if this is the usual way shared hosts distribute their IPs:

IP #1:
IP #2:

Set IP#1 as
Set IP#2 as

Whenever creating resellers, share IP#1 so that all resellers and their users use only IP#1.

Is this how shared hosts usually do it?

Thanks for your advice.
Well, here's how we do it:

We use one shared IP# for all our own sites except for those that require their own IP#.

We currently have our resellers share the same IP# but at some time in the future we'll probably give each reseller their own IP# which they use for all their users' traffic.

We host master DNS service on one IP# on the server that also hosts the domain.

We host slave DNS for all our domains on another server, at another location and on another network, for the most DNS redundancy.
