How to change images without creating a new skin


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Las Vegas
I am new to this and have installed DA. Now that it's installed, I want to change the images, specifically the Direct Admin logos and other DA .gif files. When I ssh into the server and try to get into the /data file and the theme files, I get a permission denied error. The user is directadmin - I do not know what the password is to get into these directories.

If there is another way to get into the directories please let me know.

You have to login as the the root user. This password should of been supplied to you when you purchased the server.

You must download the skin package her and when you have installed this you can access it via File Manager > skins and you can modify whatever easily.

Download skin packe (Do NOT modify gz file manually)
Login with Admin account
Click on Reseller Level
Skin Manager
Upload new skin
Browse skin location and choose name (example: myskin)
Click upload.

When it is uploaded you can access via File Manager


Thank you both very much! Both of you supplied the exact information in an easy to understand manner. Thank you for helping me.

So often people on boards like this tend to answer in a rude manner - but neither of you did!

Thank you both and Merry Christmas - or whatever the holiday greeting is in your area of the world!

Beth :)
The reason people are sometimes rude is because most of the time people who ask the questions have already failed to follow the instructions already given either in the forum or at the main web site. So while I do not agree with being rude I do understand the frustration of answering the same questions week after week.
Yes, I have experienced myself that the people have answered me in a rude manner. But I am totally against it, because when you first try to answer as answer any useful or ignore the thread.

But remember! Most people who respond rudely. Can not the solution, therefore,

I remember I was on a Norwegian forum for a few years ago when I had little clue about PHP, all of my questions were answered in a very rude manner. And that was: Well I do not understand why you ask such easy questions ..

What does this mean? Does he think he is something very important and is much more better than you, but it's completely opposite.
ISOS6 it sounds like you are saying that the ones who answer rudely do so because they do not know the answer themselves. That may be true some of the time but not all of the time.

Most of the time rudeness is directed to people who are simply too lazy to do the research themselves. Again I do not agree with being rude but I do understand it.

Most of the newbie type questions here have already been answered. Its just a matter of reading the answers already posted.