How to change IP for directAdmin panel?


Verified User
Oct 2, 2005

A question. I have moved my server from one data center to another. As I have one DirectAdmin license on the previous data center of the IP 203.81.x.x while I am switching over to another data center with the IP 203.111.x.x. I know I have to inform directadmin for the change of IP for the license. But how do I change the physical IP on the server such that I can reboot it with the new IP? Like the eth0 main IP?

To change the new IP so I can access via 2222. I want to backup all my data as it can't be lost. Thanks!
Before you shut down the server on the old location, log in (through ssh from home or through the console):

change the gateway in /etc/sysconfig/network
change the ip/network/netmask/broadcast in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (or what name your nic has)

By far the easiest method (that is if you run linux).

Don't forget to fetch a new license file after the change (look in the map scripts).