How to change log rotation scheme


Verified User
May 3, 2004
Webalizer stinks and I need to make logs available to another stats program. Is there somewhere in the admin where I can alter the log analysis/rotation scheme?

At the moment, DA rotates logs based on size, which can be set in the adminisration page on the admin level.

That is the only logging "scheme" you can change through DirectAdmin. The rest, such as if you wanted to store the logs in a different directory would have to be done in the httpd.conf file.
Where can I find out when Webalizer runs? If I can have my new stats package run at the same time I shouldn't have to change the log rotation.

Also - how often does the DA rotation script run? I see that its set at 5 MB max log size. I have a busy site that has the logs at 128 MB right now - so I'm guessing it only checks the log size once a day?
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30min after midnight I think. Check the crontab for frequency.

Running them at the same time is not such a good idea because you might have conflicts of the two programs trying to process the same log files at the same time as well as massive resource usage ;)

I believe DA should check and rotate logs when it runs its tally (every 24 hours as well) but a lot of people have been saying that it doesn't work. Search the forums. DA is also releasing a time based rotation in the next version due out today. (For FreeBSD)
Thanks jmstacey! I appreciate the link to solve my webalizer scheduling issue.