How to change squirrelmail to horde


Verified User
Feb 23, 2008
Just deployed a new dedicated server and decided to go for DirectAdmin instead of cPanel.
My one problem is webmail, when you click on that in DirectAdmin it automatically sends you to squirrelmail. I hate that and so do many of my clients, can we have horde or even an option between the two?

Thanks in advance.
It would be nice to se what he has to say on his site if it was possible to get there. Every time I try I get "Server not found" so maybe he has nothing to say. :rolleyes:
Howcome you are sending people to your website all the time. Is this allowed?

morfargekko said:
It would be nice to se what he has to say on his site if it was possible to get there. Every time I try I get "Server not found" so maybe he has nothing to say.
From this and other postings, I am considering this harassment and personal attacks now.

While debating and discussion is fine, I am sure that DA moderators will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or such.

DirectAdmin Support, correct me if I am wrong, but this guy is willfully violating the forum rules, as access to DA support forums are a privilege and not a right.

Keep in mind that these forums, like many other forums, are a professional e-business community. The main purpose is to share ideas, help and support others. Always display a positive, friendly attitude, and be respectful of others' opinions.
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Andy, my only point was that I have several times tryed to access Your site to get the advice You are so willing to give but it is impossible to get there because the site is always inacessable from where i am located. I have several times pointed this out in this forum and in personal messages to You. If You take this as I am offending You so bee it but it was never my intention. I am sure You have a lot to give to the community and I hope You won't stop but please don't lock us out from You knollagebase.
You are so willing to give but it is impossible to get there because the site is always inacessable from where i am located.
I am not sure why you can't access our Web site. We have clients in Sweden who are able to access ServerTune's Web site. Please send me an email note at: andyreed [at] and I'll be more than happy to troubleshoot this accessibility issue.
From this and other postings, I am considering this harassment and personal attacks now.

While debating and discussion is fine, I am sure that DA moderators will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or such.

DirectAdmin Support, correct me if I am wrong, but this guy is willfully violating the forum rules, as access to DA support forums are a privilege and not a right.

Keep in mind that these forums, like many other forums, are a professional e-business community. The main purpose is to share ideas, help and support others. Always display a positive, friendly attitude, and be respectful of others' opinions.

Im glad you see it that way but in my opinion you are trolling for business are you not, something you do on every forums that you visit based on my observation? And as pointed out many times if you read the forums rules that advertising is via the 3rd party ads forums ONLY, and only if its related to DA.
Im glad you see it that way.
I simply refer people to any place on the Internet where they can get the answer/information they need to solve the problem(s) they have in hand. As I said, the main purpose of these forums is to share ideas, help and support others. Unless you are one of the moderators or assigned by DA to monitor these forums, you have absolutely no right to tell other users what and what not to post. This is a moderator's job, not a user.

This thread was about using a different Web mail than Squirelmail. There's no point in ruining this thread and other threads where you (intentionally) offended and attacked me, personally. If you have any issues with me, although I don't know you and I have never heard of you before, you can send me a private message and discuss any issue(s) away from these public forums.

This is my final response as I'd rather invest my time and energy in helping others find answers to their problems.
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Posting to external links is allowed, assuming those links are related to the problem at hand. If they're way off base and unrelated, of course avoid posting them as that's called spam ;) Also, if for example 85% of the links posted in all threads are not helpful for the problems being asked, then we'd ask you to stop, as it's likely they're just wild guesses that happen to have a few keyword matches, but do nothing more than advertise a website which we do not want.

Bottom line, yes you can post these links if they help and are directly related.
Too many "guess" posts are bad, so make sure you're offering helpful information.

Posting to external links is allowed, assuming those links are related to the problem at hand.

From a different persepective, would it not be better if the requested information was in aDA support document, or a forum post, rather than an outside venue?

One would think that the most logical place to find information about DA is in DA FaQs or DA forums.
yes, we would prefer on-forum posts over external ones because we have no control over the external site (lets say one day they decide to load their page with ads)
I can understand using an external page though, in case the data changes, you only change it once.

If it becomes a problem, doing a mass database regex isn't too hard to replace links with something else ;)

yes, we would prefer on-forum posts over external ones because we have no control over the external site (lets say one day they decide to load their page with ads)
I can understand using an external page though, in case the data changes, you only change it once.

Hopefully the wiki will solve some of those problems...the concept has in several other technical areas.