How to configure iptables at boot?


Verified User
Mar 17, 2004
I just installed DA onto CentOS 5.5.

I was unable to access the server or the DA login page, however from these instructions, I typed in the following and was able to get things working:

# /sbin/service iptables stop
# /sbin/chkconfig iptables off

When I restart my server, I have to type that in every time in order to access the server. How can I make it so every time the server boots, it keeps access open?

Is there any security issue I have to be concerned about by keeping iptables stopped and off?

You could install something like CSF and add your IP to the whitelist?

Or, you could try this, but it will be gone on the next reboot unless you import iptables from a file.
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s yourip -j ACCEPT
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Yeah, I was looking at installing CSF.

I would prefer to just keep port 2222 open and calls to Apache open. If you go to the IP address, the "Apache is functioning normally" page doesnt even come up. And I want to be able to access DA from wherever I may be.
Well, sweet! I installed CSF, rebooted the server, and voila everything is working great. I did not have to stop iptables to access the server.

Thanks! I appreciate the help!