How to configure Majordomo to react to the changed DMARC policies?


New member
Nov 25, 2014
Dear readers,

since some popular email providers like Yahoo changed there mail policies in April this year. My two running Majordomo lists are broken, if users of these email providers try to use them. I would like to continue using Majordomo, so I would like to know if somebody has a solution to react on this situation. As this will affect all mailing lists out there it could be worth to add a solution to the Majordomo FAQ.

The problem is:
a mailing list in this example has amongst others subscribers two addresses from i.e. yahoo. Let's call them [email protected] and [email protected]. If [email protected] writes a mail to the list, majordomo will forward this mail to all subscribers, but the server from [email protected] will not accept the mail, because the address [email protected] in FROM field doesn't match the mail server, because the mail server is the one from my mailing list. If I understood that right, these checks were made by using the DMARC-Records and SPF-Records. Also these mails from these providers contain p=reject, which can lead to a wave of bounces. :(

My questions:
Is it possible to configure Majordomo to use the address of the mailing list in the FROM-Field instead of the address of the person that wrote the mail? Where can I put the original senders mail address in to enable the users to choose to answer directly or over the mailing list? If it's possible, how can I configure that? Prior asking I spend a good amount of hours reading the documentation and googling for solutions, so please don't think my first question here comes easy.

Thanks for Reading :)
Our forum likely has no Majordomo specialists on it, only some DirectAdmin specialists and a lot of DirectAdmin users.

I'll try to answer what I can, but you'll likely get much better replies if you ask on the Majordomo Mailing List.
My questions:
Is it possible to configure Majordomo to use the address of the mailing list in the FROM-Field instead of the address of the person that wrote the mail?
It's been years since I worked at the configuraiton file level, but I did find this by googling through the list archives:

Obviously you can't do that from the DirectAdmin control panel, and I'm not sure if you can change it in the majordomo code to anyeffect, because I haven't looked to see if the -f parameter is passed on to exim, and if so, if it's honored.
Where can I put the original senders mail address in to enable the users to choose to answer directly or over the mailing list? If it's possible, how can I configure that? Prior asking I spend a good amount of hours reading the documentation and googling for solutions, so please don't think my first question here comes easy.
Same link tells you about the Reply-To field, and that is changeable in the DirectAdmin control panel.

Majordomo is ancient. And hasn't been updated in many, many years. Perhaps it's time for a change, but how to do it and still preserve all the information our users already have?


Thanks for Reading :)[/QUOTE]
Thx for your reply, I did find the Reply-To, but that doesn't do the trick. Mails are bounced by certain email providers if the mail in the FROM field doesn't match the outgoing mail server i.e. [email protected] and the yahoo mail servers. I also posted my problem on the majordomo mailing list some time ago, but the moderator there has to approve new messages and it seams that he or she wasn't online and so my post is still on the wait over there. Do you know of any other good forum/ mailing list for majordomo? As you said if I could avoid migration to a new software, that would be good.
In the long run you likely cannot avoid migration. I've just this morning beeninvolved in a conversation with John concerning Majordomo. It's just too old to have latest required features, it doesn't offer customized unsubscribe links, it doesn't handle HTML well (in fact some would argue it doesn't handle it at all).

You may be able to change the code yourself, but I don't offer much help.

And another nail in the coffin: it won't run with the version of Perl which runs on CentOS7.

It may be that simply put, it's time to migrate away.

Note this is a problem for me as much as for you because I host the official DirectAdmin da-announcemailing list on Majordomo. I'm going to start looking into conversion possibilities to Mailman.
