How to connect remote MSSQL?


New member
Feb 6, 2012
I'm newbie on Direct Admin.
Someone can help me config direct admin to connect to mssql database 2008 running on remote server.
I'd guess you are on a wrong forum (unless you confuse MSSQL with MySQL), despite the fact you're a possible user of Directadmin. Are you that one?

Anyway Directadmin does not deal with MSSQL; And even somebody wanted to help you, you did not specify from what application or program you're trying to connect to a remote MSSQL server, so it's almost impossible to give you a good enough answer.
I'm guessing it's doable, and you'd need to look up details on some other forum. One thing to be aware of is to make sure your firewalls, both on your DirectAdmin server and your MS-SQL server, have the proper ports open. Unfortunately here we're all Linux and FreeBSD specialists, and I doubt too many of us have experience with MS-SQL.
