how to connect to direct admin panel usign VPN or open vpn ?


New member
Feb 6, 2014
hi , i just bought and installed direct admin panel on my VPS server , but i have a probelm , as i always had to be connect with a Kerio vpn or open vpn when i'm working on net , i can not access to my panel with this . seems direct admin doesn't let to connect panel with some protocols right ? is there anyway at all to change this and let me to connect with VPN or open vpn connecting ?
Do you mean the control panel interface? DirectAdmin uses standard http or https protocol, depending on how it's set up, either on port 2222.

Be sure you have a path open through your VPN for http and https on port 2222.

hi , i just bought and installed direct admin panel on my VPS server , but i have a probelm , as i always had to be connect with a Kerio vpn or open vpn when i'm working on net , i can not access to my panel with this . seems direct admin doesn't let to connect panel with some protocols right ? is there anyway at all to change this and let me to connect with VPN or open vpn connecting ?

Is your directadmin powered server the same with VPN server? Or they are hosted separately? I've been using OpenVPN hosted on a separate VPS and never had any issue with connecting to Directadmin. So it might be either firewall issue, or routing issue.