How to disable DA's Php version selector if your using CageFS?


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
Shouldnt this be detected if your using CageFS? I mean ....

Is there a way to disable it from Domain Setup? I dont need 2 plus DA's doesnt give you the functionality to add/disable extensions. Really lacking in functionality there!
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It should be enough to do:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set php2_release no
./build php n
I need to run 2 versions of php. The above will disable the second. I need to remove php selector from DA.

Is there an option in da.conf Selector=0?
Why not disable the second php version like smtalk says, and just use cloudlinux's php selector? Then you can use all php versions and have management of extensions.
I don't understand, if I set set php2_release no wont this only give me one php instance?
CloudLinux PHP selector is not dependent at all on CustomBuild's PHP releases set. Even if you don't have php2_release set, CloudLinux would allow you choosing the version of PHP.
Shouldnt this be detected if your using CageFS? I mean ....

Is there a way to disable it from Domain Setup? I dont need 2 plus DA's doesnt give you the functionality to add/disable extensions. Really lacking in functionality there!

I'm not sure whether it's working or not, but I see:



/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin c  | grep php_version_selector

so you probably want to try to change its value to 0 (zero) and restart Directadmin.

The option is not documented here yet.