How to edit PHP options with OLS


Verified User
Nov 4, 2014
Hi all!

I have switch from Apache to OLS but i cannot edit PHP options with OLS
I use phpinfo() to find the path to php.ini. But after editing these options like that: error_reporting, upload max file size....., restart OLS, they are unchanged.

So please tell me how to edit PHP options with OLS
For system wide php.ini changes they are in "/usr/local/php*/lib/php.ini" for each version of php you are running, for these changes you need to restart OLS. I normally try to avoid this and use "/home/*/domain/*/public_html/.user.ini" to configure options for a user (by default any changes to that file can take up to 5 minutes to be picked up, this can be adjusted in the php.ini file). If you are making changes to the main php.ini and there is a .user.ini, the .user.ini will override the main setting.